How to Manage Course Modules

Managing course modules is key to creating organized, effective courses in ClickFunnels. Modules help you structure your content into logical sections, improving the learning experience for your students. This article explains how to manage course modules in your ClickFunnels account. This way, you’ll be able to build well-structured courses and control your content more efficiently.

A screenshot of the module index

  1. Click on Courses from the left navigation menu.


    Please visit our article Adding Apps to Your ClickFunnels Workspace for detailed information on how to add apps to your navigation menu.

  2. Click on the Title of the course you wish to manage its modules.

  1. Click the Add Content button on the right-hand side, then select Add new module from the drop-down menu.

  2. Open the Parent Module drop-down menu and select the parent module under which you want to place the sub-module.

  3. Fill out the Title and the optional Description field to name and describe the new module.

  4. Click the Select Image button to choose your preferred Module Image.

  5. Click the Create module button to continue or the Discard changes button to cancel the changes.

  1. Click the three-dot icon on the right side of each module, then select Edit Module from the drop-down menu.

  2. Edit the Module Settings according to your preference. Please visit our article Module Settings for more information about module settings.

  3. Click the Update module button to save your changes.

  1. Click the three-dot button to the right of the module status, then select Publish from the drop-down menu.

  2. The app displays a pop-up asking when the module should be published, if existing course students should be enrolled, and if existing unpublished lessons should be published at the same time as the module.

  3. Click the Update module button to save the changes.

Drip modules allow you to control when specific course content becomes available to your students. This feature is useful for pacing your course, preventing overwhelm, and keeping students engaged over time. Here’s how to set up drip modules in your ClickFunnels course:

  1. On the Course page, Find the module you want to drip.

  2. Select Drip from the dropdown menu.

  3. In the Edit publishing window, enter the number of days to wait before the module is available.

  4. Click Update module to save.

ClickFunnels offers settings to hide dripped modules in different parts of your course interface. This feature creates a cleaner, more focused learning environment by only showing content that’s currently accessible to students. Here’s how to manage these settings:

  1. In the course editor, locate the Course Modules element.

  2. Click on the Settings ⚙ icon to display its settings.
    Course Module Settings

  3. In the Settings sidebar, find the Filters area.

  4. Locate the Filter by drip access dropdown.

  5. Select Hide Drip Course Modules to hide inaccessible modules  on the main course page.
    Hide drip course module setting

  1. In the course editor, locate or add the Sidebar element.

  2. Click on the Settings ⚙ icon to display its settings.

  3. In the right Settings sidebar, locate the Show drip modules toggle.

  4. Switch it to No to hide dripped modules in the course sidebar.
    Toggle switched to No to hide dripped modules

Lock modules allow you to control access to course content based on the completion of other lessons. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. On the Course page, Find the module you want to lock.

  2. Select Lock from the dropdown menu.

  3. In the Edit publishing window, choose a “Blocker lesson” from the dropdown menu. This is the lesson that must be completed 1. before the locked module becomes available.

  4. Click Update module to save.

  1. Click the three-dot button to the right of the module status, then select Duplicate Module from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click the Proceed button on the pop-up to duplicate the selected module.

  3. The page will display a banner at the upper-right of the page explaining that the module is being duplicated. The site will also display the duplicated module under the original module in Draft status.


The site duplicates the module and lesson content (e.g., Title, Description, Media, and Content).

  1. Click the three-dot menu, then select Edit Module to open the module settings.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the right-side menu, then click the Delete module button. Otherwise, click the Discard changes button to cancel any changes.

  3. Click the Proceed button inside of the Popup. Otherwise, click the Cancel button to cancel any changes.


    Deleting a module is permanent and cannot be undone.

  4. The app will display a confirmation banner at the upper-right corner of the page stating that the module has been deleted.