Funnel Analytics Dashboard Overview

The Funnel Analytics Dashboard provides a detailed view of how users move through your funnels. It tracks key metrics such as views, opt-ins, sales, recurring sales, and conversion rates, helping you understand which steps perform well and where improvements are needed.

This data is useful for identifying trends, optimizing funnel steps, and making informed business decisions. This article explains how to access the Funnel Analytics Dashboard, understand its layout, and analyze key metrics.


For big funnels, sometimes the Funnel Analytics Dashboard might take a few minutes to load all the stats during peak hours.


How to Access The Funnel Analytics Dashboard

  1. Click on Funnels from the left navigation menu.

  2. Locate the funnel from your list and click the Analytics icon to its right.
    Analytics icon

  3. This will take you to the Funnel Analytics Dashboard for the funnel selected.

Understanding the Dashboard Layout

The dashboard is divided into sections that help track and analyze funnel performance.

Date Filter

The Date Filter drop-down menu is at the top-right corner of your page. It filters the dashboard results by date. You can select from the predefined options or apply a custom time frame.

UTM Filter

Allows filtering results based on First or Last visit, making it easier to track campaign performance and traffic sources.

Key Metrics Section

Displayed at the top of the dashboard, these metrics give a quick snapshot of funnel performance:

  • Earnings Per Click: The average revenue generated per click.

  • Upfront Sales: The total revenue from one-time purchases and trial signups.

  • Recurring Sales: It refers to earnings generated by Subscription products. It includes the second and all later payments of ongoing subscriptions.

  • Average Cart Value: This metric calculates the average amount spent per funnel session. It is determined by dividing the total revenue generated in a funnel by the total number of funnel sessions. This provides insight into how much customers are spending across the funnel.

Breakdown of Key Metrics

Views: It refers to the Page Views. It is divided into All, which displays all Page Views, and Uniques, which refers to the number of individual sessions during which this page was viewed at least once by a single user.

Opt-ins: It refers to the number of opt-ins for every funnel step and its conversion rate concerning Page Views.

Sales: It refers to the completed purchases at a specific funnel step. The Count reflects the total number of sales, the Rate shows the percentage of visitors who made a purchase, and the Value represents the total revenue generated. If a page has high traffic but few sales, it may indicate friction in the checkout process.

Recurring Sales: It refers to the payments from subscription-based products. The Count displays the number of successful recurring payments, while the Value represents the total revenue earned from those payments. This metric is particularly useful for businesses that rely on memberships or subscription models.

Earnings/Views: It calculates how much revenue is generated per visitor. It is divided into All Earnings per View, which accounts for total page views, and Uniques Earnings per View, which is based only on distinct visitors. A high earnings-per-view value indicates that a page is performing well in terms of revenue generation.

Timezone information: It is an informational section that states the current workspace timezone, which is the one used for the Date Filter and results.