How to Manage Product Purchase Actions

Within the product settings of ClickFunnels, the term “Purchase Action” denotes the process of automatically delivering digital products upon completion of a purchase. By setting up a purchase action within the product settings, ClickFunnels simplifies the post-purchase process by removing the need for manual delivery of digital files from external sources.

Image showing Purchase Actions option

Through the Purchase action feature, you can send digital downloadable files, grant buyers access to courses or specific course modules, and provide them with access to a community. This article will provide detailed instructions on how to set up the purchase action in product settings.


Accessing “Purchase Actions” In the Product Settings

  1. Navigate to Products in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select All Products.

  3. On the right-hand side, locate your desired product. You can either click on the product itself, its image, or the settings ⚙  icon to access product settings.

  4. Scroll down to the Purchase Actions section.

Adding Purchase Actions

  1. Click “+” icon adjacent to “digital asset access”, “Course access” or “Community access” options.  Image showing adding new purchase action

  2. Digital Assets Access:

    You can grant users immediate access to digital files, such as e-books, software, or music albums. With just a few clicks, customers can download their purchased files onto their devices, allowing for convenient access anytime, anywhere. To learn more about digital assets, refer to the How to Upload and Manage Digital Assets  article.

    • To upload a new asset, click “New digital asset” in the open widget.
      Image showing adding new digital asset

    • To deliver existing assets, “check the boxes” of existing digital assets from the list.
      Image showing selecting existing assets

    • Click “Save” to apply the changes or “Discard” to return to the product page.

  3. Course Access:

    You can automatically give the buyers access to an entire course or a specific module when the product is purchased. To learn more about courses, refer to the Getting Started with Courses article.

    • In the open widget, “check the boxes” of courses or course modules, that buyers will gain access to.
      Image showing selecting existing courses module

    • Click “Save” to apply the changes, or “Discard” to return to the product page.

  4. Community Access:

    You can add buyers’ access to one or more groups inside the workspace community when purchased. To learn more about setting up your community, check our Getting Started with Community article.

    • In the open widget, “check the boxes” of community groups or group topics, that buyers will gain access to.
      Image showing selecting community groups

    • Click “Save” to apply the changes, or “Discard” to return to the product page.

Managing Existing Purchase Actions

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Actions section and locate the action you want to edit.

  2. Click the gear icon (⚙️) next to the action to open the editing widget.

  3. Adjust the selections by checking or unchecking the boxes for the assets, courses, or community groups as needed.Image showing unchecking purchase action

  4. Click Save to apply your changes or Discard to exit without saving.

Removing Purchase Actions

  1. Navigate to the “Purchase Actions” section and find the action you want to remove.

  2. Click gear icon (⚙️)  icon to open the widget to view the existing selections.

  3. Uncheck the boxes next to the actions you want to remove.

  4. Click the Save button to save changes.