MessageHub: LINE Inbox Configuration

LINE is a popular messaging app used for both personal and business communication. With MessageHub, you can bring your LINE conversations into one platform, making it easier to respond to customer inquiries and manage interactions in an organized way.

This article will walk you through the process of adding a LINE inbox to MessageHub, from obtaining the required credentials to testing the setup.


  • An active ClickFunnels account

  • The MessageHub App

  • A LINE account

Obtaining LINE Credentials

To integrate your LINE channel with MessageHub, you'll need to obtain specific credentials from the LINE Developer Console. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the LINE Developer Console.

  2. Create a Provider (a grouping of LINE Messaging API channels).

  3. Under the Provider, create a new Messaging API Channel.

  4. Once the channel is created, locate and note the following details:

    • Channel ID

    • Channel Secret

    • Channel Access Token (Generate this in the Messaging API settings).

Adding a LINE Inbox in MessageHub

Follow these steps to add a LINE Inbox in MessageHub:

  1. Open the MessageHub app from the left-side menu in your ClickFunnels Workspace.

  2. Navigate to Settings âš™ > Chat Inboxes, then click the Add Inbox button in the top-right corner.

  3. From the list of available inbox types, select LINE.

  4. Enter the LINE credentials you obtained from the LINE Developer Console:

    • Channel Name: Enter a name for your inbox (e.g., "LINE Support").

    • Channel ID: Copy this from the LINE Developer Console.

    • Channel Secret: Copy this from the LINE Developer Console.

    • Channel Access Token: Copy this from the LINE Developer Console.

  5. Click Create LINE Channel to complete the setup.

  6. Assign agents to the Facebook Messenger inbox by selecting them from the dropdown menu and clicking Add Agents.

Your LINE inbox is now ready to use. Messages from your LINE channel will appear in MessageHub.