How to Use Audit Logs in MessageHub

Audit Logs in MessageHub help you monitor and review key actions taken across your account. They record activities such as user logins, inbox updates, and automation changes, ensuring you have a detailed history for reference. In this article, you’ll learn how to access and use Audit Logs in MessageHub and the various activities they track.


Using Audit Logs in MessageHub

Audit Logs in MessageHub provide a detailed record of activities within your account. They track actions like user sign-ins, inbox updates, and changes to automation rules, along with timestamps and IP addresses.

To access the Audit Logs:

    1. Navigate to the MessageHub app in the left-side menu in your ClickFunnels Workspace.

    2. Go to Chat Settings âš™ > Audit Logs in your MessageHub dashboard.

Once inside, you'll see a detailed log organized by Activity, Time, and IP Address. Use the search bar or Cmd/Ctrl + F to locate specific entries quickly.

Activities Tracked Through Audit Logs

Audit Logs in MessageHub record a wide range of activities to provide a detailed overview of account actions. Each activity entry includes the responsible user’s name, the action performed, a timestamp, and the associated IP address to help you trace actions effectively. Here are the categories of activities you can monitor:

User Activity Logs

  • User sign-ins and sign-outs.

  • Changes to a user's availability status (e.g., online, offline, busy).

  • Invitations sent to new users as agents or admins.

  • Role changes for users (e.g., agent to admin).

Account Activity Logs

  • Updates to the account configuration.

Automation Rule Logs

  • Creation of new automation rules.

  • Updates or deletion of existing automation rules.

Inbox Logs

  • Creation, updates, or deletion of inboxes.

  • Addition or removal of team members from inboxes.

Webhook Logs

  • Updates or deletions of webhooks.

Team Logs

  • Creation, updates, or deletion of teams.

  • Addition or removal of team members.