How to Submit a Feature Request in ClickFunnels

Feature Requests allow you to suggest new functionalities or improvements in ClickFunnels. If you have an idea to enhance the platform, submitting a Feature Request is an easy way to share it with our Development Team. This article walks you through the steps to submit a request.

  • There are no requirements to submit a feature in ClickFunnels.

  1. Go to the Feature Request Page.

  2. In the Summary field, provide a short description of your feature request.

  3. In the Description field, give more details about the feature or change you’re suggesting.

  4. Select a Category that best fits your feature request.

  5. (Optional) Attach files or screenshots using the Attachment icon.

  6. Click Create Post to submit your feature request.

  • Be clear and specific about the feature or change.

  • Focus on how the feature benefits your business or improves functionality.

  • Provide examples, if possible.